UK Singles Chart: Number 1s


Each block represents a song, with the length representing the amount of weeks at number 1.

Hover over a block to see the song details.

Songs with an orange border had overlapping weeks at number 1.

Code by Robson.


Click on a song to show the details here.


Click an item to highlight associated songs.

Artists with the most number 1s
Artists with the most weeks at number 1
  • Number 1s for a single week.
  • Number 1s for 10+ consecutive weeks.
  • Returning number 1s.
  • Christmas number 1s.
  • Songs that shared the number 1 spot.
  • The 1,000th number 1.

All data is taken from the Wikipedia pages linked in Lists of UK Singles Chart number ones.

This data is produced by the Official Charts Company.

All data used on this page is publicly available.